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Sometimes when my kids are fast asleep and their little chubby cheeks are squished against the pillow, I stare at them in awe. I admire my daughter’s beautiful locks, my son’s gorgeous eyebrows, or the adorable ptoo sound my little guy makes when he exhales.
Then, like clockwork, in the middle of this sacred moment—a knot forms in my stomach—and fear cracks open the door serving this one thought to torment me:
What kind of world will my kids grow up in?
Quarantines are now a “normal” part of life. My kids own more masks than they do underwear. (And they’re just as dirty.) Students haven’t seen the smiling faces of their teachers in two years. My children take at-home Covid tests like daily vitamins.
Things are not as they should be.
As I tossed and turned last night, God reminded me of a Bible verse:
“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but later we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but later I shall know completely, just as I also am known.” (I Corinthians 13:12)
It’s as if we’re wearing those 3D glasses you get at the movie theater but we are walking in broad daylight. Our vision is blurred. We can’t see what God is up to. We are in the middle of the greatest redemption film but we hit a scary scene. It’s ok to admit that. It doesn’t make you a weak Christian. It makes you honest.
Unfortunately, we can’t fast-forward through the frightening scenes. If you’re like me, you’re never going to figure the plot out either. We may want to cover our eyes, yet at the same time we must keep moving forward. But how?
When my son was diagnosed with autism, I struggled for months as this one thought ran rampant in my mind:
It’s not fair. Why did I get dealt this hand in life?
I believed having two children with severe autism was a curse that had befallen upon me by a stroke of bad luck. I threw one pity party after another until one night Jesus stopped in my tracks and flipped a switch in my heart.
He said, “What you claim is a CURSE you must be delivered from, is actually an HONOR I bestowed upon you. I gave you two special needs children because you are highly favored and I trust you explicitly.”
May God flip the switch in your heart today. Hear the voice of your Father proclaim the same over you:
You and your children were born for such a time as this.
Living during this time in history is not a CURSE but an HONOR.
I chose you for this exact moment because I explicitly trust you.
I gifted you with everything you need to bring about the next great awakening.
Get excited.
Grab your popcorn.
The movie isn’t over and if you haven’t read the book, we win!