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I spent last week ministering to the homeless in New York City. It was a sweet time but the hustle and bustle of the city still surprises me.
Everyone’s in a hurry.
Everyone’s busy with their super important agendas and their super private lives.
No one looks you in the eye.
And greetings of hello are not reciprocated.
It’s kind of depressing.
But this week, I flew over the Big Apple to attend a conference and I was dazzled by the city from above.
I couldn’t hear the blaring car horns or see the bumper to bumper traffic. Rather, the twinkling city resembled Christmas lights; headlights gleamed white and brake lights blazed red.
From above, I couldn’t observe the crowded streets or catch the rude comments. I only heard the gentle hum of the plane as I viewed the glory of the night sky through my porthole window.
Then a thought hit me: this is God’s view. He sits above it all.
He’s not anxious.
He’s not in a rush.
He’s simply enjoying the beauty of HIS creation.
It’s was a tender moment until a twinge of guilt gnawed at me. God’s perspective is nothing like mine.
Some of my worst moments as a human happen when I attempt to get my kids out the door for school.
I’m always in a rush.
Always bickering with my children to get their shoes on. Always pushing people to hurry up. Always stressing to get all the things done while hurling stones at the most precious people in my life.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve dropped my kids off at school with a snarky comment or an angry tone.
“Hurry up! I’ve got to get to work on time! You’re gonna make me late, AGAIN!”
(Mind you, I work at a church and I’m stressing about being late for morning prayer. )
If we’re honest, our hurried pace speaks less to our jam-packed schedule and more to our lack of trust in a God who sits outside of time and holds the world in his hands.
God not in a rush.
Why should we be?
As the author John Mark Comer puts it: “Hurry kills relationships. Love takes time and hurry doesn’t have it.
It kills joy, gratitude, appreciation; people in a rush don’t have time to enter the goodness of the moment.”
So, my prayer for you today is this: May you slow down and simply enjoy the beauty of YOUR creation.