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“Faith is like jumping off a cliff,” Greg said with a smirk on his face.
“What if we find the highest spot on campus and jump as a symbol of surrendering our lives to God?”
“You’re insane!” My roommate blurted out. “Talk some sense into him. He’s your crazy boyfriend.”
“I think he’s on to something,” I agreed as I dragged my roommate by the arm.
“You see this all the time in the Bible. God asks people to do something in the natural in order for something to shift in the spiritual.”
With a little prodding, Greg, my roommate, and I found the tallest wall on campus and sat with our legs dangling over the side. Before we could exchange words, Greg leapt off and landed with a thud onto the grass below.
A few minutes later, I hung off the edge by my fingertips and dropped to the ground, rolling my ankle.
“Dang! That hurt. I won’t do that again.” I yelled to my roommate who was still perched on the wall with a look of sheer terror plastered on her face.
I can laugh at this story now but I was reminded of this moment after someone called me an idealist yesterday. It was not meant to be a compliment.
The truth is, there are 3 Types of People on this planet and our crazy leap of faith was the perfect case study:
THE FEARFUL - these poor souls live in a perpetual state of terror. “What if” scenarios run rampant in their minds. The thought of stepping out in faith makes them want to run, hide, and pee their pants in the process.
The Fearful like to play it safe. They call the Idealist crazy and irrational.
THE JADED - previously an Idealist, the Jaded took a leap of faith and fell—hard. They now limp through life and function in survival mode.
The Jaded question if God is real and speculate if purpose is just a cheesy inspirational running poster.
THE IDEALIST - they naively believe God is with them, for them, and working through them.
An Idealist is a visionary who pursues a higher purpose. A person who represents things as they should be, rather than as they are.
The Jaded view Idealists as naive, claiming they have yet to experience the harsh realities of life.
Yet Jesus was the greatest Idealist to ever walk the planet—and boy did he suffer. He was able to endure the cross for the JOY that was set before him. (Hebrews 12:2)
History is filled with Idealists who faced their fears, looked beyond their suffering, and changed the world:
Abraham Lincoln - an Idealist to the core. While the nation raged against each other in war, Lincoln fought to end slavery and painted a vision of unity that made our country what it is today.
Corrie Ten Boom - Corrie and her family spent years hiding Jews in their home from the Nazis during the Holocaust. Even after she was caught and sent to a concentration camp herself, Corrie pleaded with everyone to forgive their oppressors.
Martin Luther King Jr. - He had a dream—a naive, idealistic, amazing dream of equality. This dream cost Martin his life—a price an Idealist is willing to pay.
D.L. Moody - made a resolution that he would never let 24 hours pass without speaking to one person about Jesus. Somedays, he forgot and would climb out of bed at 11 PM and wander the streets looking for someone he could talk to about eternity.
So, the next time someone calls you naive, childlike, or an Idealist—thank them. It is a compliment. And rest in the fact your life is a pleasing aroma to God.
“For it’s impossible to please God without faith remaining an idealist.” (Hebrews 11:6)