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I race to the bus, dragging my autistic daughter, praying not to be seen sporting my pjs and bedhead. I shower most days, I promise! The demands of being a mom allow for little “me time”. Mara covers her ears and shuffles her feet down the aisle.
“No school!” she stammers.
Pressing my daughter’s hips in the seat, I attempt to buckle her in. She kicks my shin and everything in me has to fight the impulse of kicking back. What kind of mom wants to kick her child? Just then, I catch a glimpse of my son sneaking out the front door, laughing as his bare feet crunch under the snow. Are you serious? Get inside now! With the door wide open, a toddler entourage follows; first Emma and then Jacob waddling toward the road while our dog runs in circles around the bus, alerting me of my escapees.
The chaos never stops! It never ends! I rally my troops into the house, lock the door, and collapse. My tears turn into sobs. My sobs morph into hyperventilating and before I know it, I am experiencing my first panic attack.
Maybe you’ve been there. The circumstances of your life may be different, but the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion coupled with complete loss of control are universal. It never stops! It never ends. This rat race we call life will wear our defenses down until we implode and all the emotions we have been stuffing come gushing out. It doesn’t matter if you are an over-worked woman who is frantic about deadlines, or a stay-at-home mom drowning in diapers. I asked God one question: Where were you today? An image flashed in my mind of Jesus building a snowman in my yard. In my time of need, you’re building a snowman?! Suddenly, truth hit my heart; GOD IS NOT MOVED BY MY MADNESS! And He is not moved by your’s either. We think we need a “hand” from God but what we really need is His REST.
In Exodus 33:14 God promises Moses:
“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.”
REST. Isn’t that what we all need? Not a power nap. I’m talking about the weight of the world being lifted off your shoulders. WHERE GOD’S PRESENCE IS, THERE IS REST. In the Old Testament, the presence of God was OUTSIDE, displayed as a cloud above the tent of meeting. In the New Testament, the presence of God is INSIDE, and we are his chosen vessels! We don’t have to “enter into God’s presence” to find rest, we just need to ask God to reveal where He already is in the midst of our madness. God stands outside of time and the whirlwind that is your life. Jesus is fast asleep on your boat in the middle of the storm, and HE IS NOT MOVED.
May we hear the gentle whisper of the Father asking, “Do you want to build a snowman?"