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have been hiding for eight years…
As a child, I excelled at the game hide-and-seek. I had a knack for finding the best hiding spots, the places everyone forgets to look. On one occasion, I perched on top of the fridge for over an hour. Snickering to myself, I watched from above while my cousins scurried frantically around the house. Although, I’m not sure I should brag. The prolonged crick in my neck put a damper on my victory. You see, being good at hide-and-seek does have its downfalls. When you are an expert, like me, at hiding, no one ever finds you.
Maybe this is you. Maybe you have been hiding for years in such an elusive spot, things got dark. Maybe everyone you loved gave up, went home, and you were left alone. You shy from the limelight. You run from intimate relationships. You sugar-coat your conversations and chat about the weather. And maybe – the greatest tragedy of all – you are hiding from God the Father, the One who created you.
The problem is, if you hide long enough, you start to believe all sorts of lies:
No one cares.
I’m too far gone.
There must be something terribly wrong with me.
Like a lawyer who stacks up the evidence and sets out to defend one’s case, you persuade yourself that your life doesn’t warrant an all-out search. Time passes and all that remains is a remnant of the person you once were. Grains of sand slip through the hourglass, while regret seeps into your soul.
Congratulations, my friend. You are now an expert at hiding.
The year 2020 has been a year of hiding for us all. Just when you think the quarantine restrictions are lifting, case numbers soar and we are told to hunker down once again. But the truth is, many of us have been masters at hiding long before the pandemic. We are stowaways on a ship called Home. Our boat has sailed off into the horizon and we immerse ourselves with responsibilities on deck. We hide behind our mile-long to-do lists, our mounds of dirty laundry, and our massive insecurities. We wear busyness as our badge of honor but if we are honest, oftentimes we don’t feel our lives have significant value. We may conclude we are essential to keep our microcosm of a world running, caring for all the “tiny people” under our roof. However, we wrestle with the idea God has need of us outside of this context. We yearn for more. To make matters worse, we feel guilty we aren’t satisfied inside our four walls.
When my oldest son was a toddler, he loved to play hide-and-seek. He always hid in plain view. Behind a chair. Under the dinning room table. Peering through his chubby fingers believing he was invisible. As a good mommy, I would wander around the house calling, “Jeremiah! Jeremiah? Where are you?”
Like God when Adam hid in the Garden of Eden, I knew exactly where my son was. Eventually, time would pass, dinner would be ready, and I would raise the question God asks us:
“Where are you?”
God knows exactly where you’re hiding. God knows exactly why you’re hiding.
He doesn’t ask “Where are you?” in order to FIND YOU. He asks, “Where are you?” in order for YOU TO FIND YOURSELF.
One of my favorite quotes is by the Danish theologian Soren Kierkegaard. His prayer was, “With God’s help, I shall become myself.”
This is my heartfelt prayer for you. Settle it in your mind right now:
You matter.
Stop hiding.
Your life is a gift the world has yet to open.