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Have you watched the TLC show Hoarding: Buried Alive? I have a dream that one day I will produce and star in my own version of this popular show and rename it Declutterer: Empty Inside. You see, I’m not a hoarder. Oh no! I’m the other end of the spectrum. I’m a compulsive declutterer. What is that you may ask? I have an excessive desire to discard objects in my home and living area.
“Thanks for the birthday card friend!” Remove cash. Discard in wastebasket.
“That’s a lovely picture you drew, Sweetie!” When child walks away, stuff artwork deep down in the garbage, piling extra debris on top so it won’t be spotted.
“Honey, where is the leftover meatloaf from last night?” In the trash! I don’t usually waste food but I had to make room for the groceries.
My favorite was last week. We had a camp fire and I couldn’t bear to look at the disorganized bookshelf in my dining room any longer. What was the cause of the clutter? All those dang remote learning packets my five kids had collected in the last six months! So….we burned them all in the fire chanting:
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks
Kick the tables
Kick the chairs
Kick the teachers down the stairs
Just kidding, we only sang the first three lines. I had never heard the whole song until I looked it up to write this piece. Geesh! That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I can’t stand clutter! It feels therapeutic to let something go and free up space. We have to do the same in our life. You can’t add something to your plate without taking something off. Several weeks ago, I turned down my first teaching job, a job I would have LOVED to have. I returned to college two years ago and invested a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to finish my Master’s Degree. I was so ready to teach, have my own classroom, and wear a facemark all day. Ok! That last one was a lie. But when I prayed about the decision, I didn’t have peace. Everything in me logically said, “Take the job!” Yet sometimes God works outside of logic. Sometimes God calls us to give up the things we have worked so hard for, the very things he promised us.
Don’t believe me? Meet my friend Abraham. He hoped and prayed his whole life to have a child. No luck. Then at the ripe old age of 99, an angel appears and tells him God is going to give him a son. His wife burst out laughing at the absurdity of the matter. This son, Isaac, would be the beginning of a line of descendants more numerous than the stars in the sky. Crazy; right? Do you know what is more insane? Abraham’s wife DOES give birth to a son, only to then be told by God to take a hike up a mountain and to offer that son as a sacrifice. Say what?
You see, God cares more about our obedience and surrender, than he does about blessing us or making all of our dreams come true. People often see God as a magic genie. Rub a bottle. Make a wish. If you believe, you will receive. Yet this is not how God operates. He often requires us to give up the things he promised us, so that we will learn to trust him more.
My life motto is 2 Samuel 24:23, in which King David demands to pay a peasant for his threshing floor, wood, and ox to make an offering to the Lord in order to stop a plague that ravaged Israel. The farmer wanted to give it to David, free of charge. Dave’s response:
“I will not offer to the Lord my God that which COST ME NOTHING.”
What we are willing to PAY for something determines how much we VALUE it. What we are willing to LET GO of for someone, determines our love.
“If you’re following God and haven’t lost much of what you’ve been holding on to - follow a little closer” ~ Bob Goff