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Dear Special Need Parents,
As infection rate creeps upward across the country and you continue to shelter in place, I see you.
I see you chasing your child around the house, cleaning up smeared yogurt and tripping over toy avalanches, all the while trying to keep your cool. I see your coffee still sitting in the microwave after you have attempted to reheat it five times and still have not had a sip. I hear you mumble under your breath and complain to your spouse, “I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS!”
I see you.
I know the pain of scrolling through Facebook and seeing all your friends camping and vacationing. You should be excited for them, but jealousy seeps into your heart like a poison. You attempted to go to the park yesterday and that ended in a meltdown, so vacation is out of the question.
I see you.
I know how many times you have Googled self care, only to come to the realization that most of the recommendations aren’t humanly possibly for you.
“Suggestion One: Take a day off and head to the spa.”
You laugh like a madman and roll your eyes. Never going to happen!
I see you.
I see your hopes dashed as they cancel summer school. Your greatest fear has come to pass, as you watch your child regress and you are powerless to fix it. I know how exhausted you are, yet you lie awake at night mulling over the governor’s latest address regarding education in the fall.
I see you.
I know how inadequate you feel. You can’t give your child the education they need. You can’t possibly be a mom, a special ed teacher, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, and a speech instructor all-in-one. To top it off, you don’t even feel like a good parent. You yell more than you care to admit. Your child spends hours in front of the TV or on their iPad inorder for you to remain sane and make it through another day. You measure yourself against parents of typical kids, and you always fall short.
I see you.
And although I don’t have ANY answers and I have no idea what the future holds for your child, I want to convey this one message: