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After a painstaking thirteen years of siblings jumping on his bed, stealing his belongings, and leaving trails of Goldfish™ crumbs as evidence - my oldest son Jeremiah earned his own bedroom.
Dragging his comforter down the hallway, there was a skip in his step, like a giddy school girl on the first day. His previous roommate, my son Isaac on the other hand, was sobbing.
“Jeremiah, don’t leave me! Jeremiah, stay one more night. Jeremiah, I’ll miss you.”
For an hour straight, Isaac mourned the loss of his beloved brother. He ranted about Jeremiah moving out and going to college. I reassured him that was years from now, and he was only two doors down. When the well of alligator tears began to dry up, I asked what was really making him upset.
“I’m crying because I have been keeping something from Jeremiah” Isaac confessed.
At this point, I’m picturing a wad of stolen cash hidden under his pillow, or Jeremiah’s Air Pods to be nestled in the front pouch of Isaac’s book bag.
“I have hidden this for a long time” Isaac continued. “The truth is, Jeremiah is the most annoying brother in the whole world but I REALLY DO LOVE HIM.”
And the floodgates burst open once again.
This is one of those stories I needed to share with Isaac’s future girlfriend in order to mortify him at the opportune time. Yet something struck me about the scenario. It took a moment of loss for my son to open up and share how he really felt about his big brother.
We’re not very good at being honest, are we? My son Isaac is only 8 years old, yet he has already earned his Doctorate of Deceit.
Most of us are really good at lying. I’m not talking about the little white lies we sneak in every now and then. I’m talking about the big stuff.
We lie to the ones we love.
We lie to ourselves.
We lie to God.
Why? Because we believe the lie that we won’t be loved for who we really are. If someone truly knew me, they would leave. If people discovered all my faults, they would turn tail and run. If God knew the crap in my heart, he would never accept me.
Yet God doesn’t need polished Christians that have all their ducks in a row. God wants the raw, unfiltered versions of ourselves. The only thing required to approach the God of the universe...is an honest heart.
With God, it’s more important to BE than to SEEM.
Hebrews 4:13 states, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.”
Remember the nightmare where you show up to school in your birthday suit? This is how we stand before God.
He knows your pain.
He knows your faults.
He knows your doubts.
Stop pretending he doesn't.
Because this humbling place is the beginning of relationship. Intimacy is really IN-TO-ME-YOU-SEE.
God sees it all and continually loves us despite ourselves