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I lived my own life—free to do what I wanted.
Never realizing by my poor choices I’d be haunted.
I plotted my decisions and never thought twice
in seeking God’s help or timely advice.
Then one morning I scraped rock bottom.
My solutions landed me alone and forgotten.
I screamed out to God in the black of the night,
promised to die to my sin and give him my life.
Time ticked onward and I was filled with great joy.
God was like Santa—supplying new toys.
I thought I had Christianity all figured out.
I was living for Jesus—without a doubt.
I sought God’s direction
pursued my own dreams.
Some days were so thrilling, I could bust at the seams.
I prayed for guidance. I prayed for God’s will.
I prayed for finances, a house, a partner, and even more still.
Eventually, I got frustrated when God didn’t do His part.
I told him, “Jesus, what’s going on? I gave you my heart.
Why aren’t you answering me? Why aren’t you providing?
I thought you loved me and in that love I’m abiding?”
I waited for a reply from my Father above.
But his only response: “Do you
understand love?”
You claim you have died to yourself and now Christ lives in you
but don’t you realize the word
“I” is still in everything you do?
You pray for my will but you do
your own thing.
You say you’re committed but where is your ring?
Your days jam-packed with
life, your family,
I want you to drop those things and seek first the Kingdom of God.
Your mind is consumed with your bills, your kids, and your pains
but the broken, lonely, and addicted are the reason I came.
You may have died to your old life of sin and been made new
my mission on this earth isn't just about you.
I desire the beating in your chest to be in tune with my heart
and abandoning your old life is only the start.
Every follower of mine must turn and repent
but when Jesus spoke of
“dying to self” this is not what he meant.
My son was the perfect example for all to see:
true love forfeits their dreams,their ambitions, and dies on a tree.
Just being kind and moral will never suffice
because the truth is every Christian is called to die twice.