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“Psst! Excuse me Ma’am, do I need to wear a mask in your store?”
“Well, the CDC states you must be vaccinated to be exempt from the mask mandate.”
Internal sigh of relief as I whip my mask off and shove it in my purse. I proceed to stroll through TJ Maxx, sipping my coffee with the song, “Freedom” by George Michael playing on repeat in my head.
Yet something interrupts my freedom strut—or should I say—someone. I noticed everyone around me still has a mask on. With peer pressure operating in full force, I quickly yanked the elastic band hanging out my purse and strapped that baby back on.
Isn’t this what we do in life?
We finally come to a place where we start to believe what God says about us
We begin to feel comfortable in our own skin.
We emerge from the cave of insecurity we have been hibernating in.
We stretch our legs and take our first wobbly step of faith.
Then—as quickly as the fleeting rush of boldness appeared—our freedom balloon deflates the minute we catch a glimpse of an onlooker.
They’re judging me.
Who do I think I am?
We strap our “mask” back on and return home, reassuring ourselves with this one thought:
Well, I’m freer than I was last year.
But here is the thing about freedom: there is no such thing as 1/2 free. You’re either a freeman or you’re a slave. You’re either 100% free or you are trapped in bondage. We don’t like to hear that. But the Bible declares it.
“Who the Son (Jesus) sets free, is free INDEED.” (John 8:36)
That word “indeed” in the Greek actually means “in reality.”
The JHT (Jessica Hurlbut’s Translation) puts it this way: IF JESUS HAS SET YOU FREE, YOU’RE FREE—LIKE REALLY, REALLY, REALLY FREE.
Free from all the habits and hangups that have held you down in the past.
Free from other people’s opinions.
Free to not just share your thoughts but free to believe God wants to speak through you.
Free from fear—like really, really, really free.
Slavery was common in ancient times, and the Romans who ruled during Jesus’ life were no exception. Yet Roman slaves differed in one dramatic way:
Roman slaves were set free on a regular basis.
Normally, if you were born a slave, you died a slave—unless you were a Roman slave. Some owners freed their slaves outright, while others allowed them to buy their freedom. The slave would appear in court before a civil officer, would be emancipated, and then declared a Roman citizen.
The same is true for you:
Because of the price Jesus paid, God, the Great Judge, declares you free from your past, free from sin, and free to be all God has created you to be. At that moment—in an instant—you’re 100% free. You aren’t half free, or a little free, or freer than you were last year.
And as a citizen of heaven and an adopted child of the King, all the resources and rights of the royal family are at your disposal.
Stop looking to the right or the left. Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you. Pop the “Freedom” soundtrack into the tape deck of your mind, strap on your headphones, drown out the voices of the onlookers, and stroll through life belting, “Freedom!”
Because if Jesus sets you free—you’re really, really, really free.