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“PUSH!” The doctor screamed as I clenched my husband’s hand, to the point I could hear his knuckles crack.
Must. Punch. Someone. My husband? He IS the one who got me into this mess. The nurse? No lady, I don’t want to go for a walk right now. It feels like a watermelon is going to fall out of me! She needs a good smack. The doctor? That might be a bad idea since he is the only one able to deliver my child. But what the heck is that metal contraption in his hand?
I delayed traveling to the hospital to the last possible minute in-order to avoid spending needless time in immense pain, half-naked with strangers gathered round. Unfortunately, the baby was ready to make an appearance as soon as I was wheeled into the main entrance. Due to my poor timing, no pain meds could be administered.
“No epidural! This is NOT what I signed up for.”
I dreamed of welcoming a new life into the world. I signed up for an addition to our family that would have my husband’s eyebrows and my dimples. I signed up for onesies, crib sets, and decorating the nursery like a Pinterest photo.
This was NOT what I signed up for.
No one can prepare you for labor. Reading “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” can’t virtually transport you into the delivery room. No women’s advice can equip you for the gruesome battle you are about to face. And on top of it all, Hollywood lies to you! Hallmark portrays phony scenes of labor and delivery: the woman’s hair perfectly in place, makeup on point, one push and the baby is miraculously clean and swaddled in her mother’s arms while Leonardo DiCaprio grabs the newborns hand and whispers, “Never let go.”
No. Labor and delivery is messy. Painful. Traumatizing. But, oh so worth it!
The Bible says, the entire world is currently undergoing labor pains:
“For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children…” (Romans 8:22-23)
2020 has been a long, drawn-out, excruciating trip to the delivery room for us all.
This is NOT what we signed up for.
No one could prepare us for the pain, the heartache, or the medical apparel we would all be donning. I don’t have all the answers. My finite brain can’t possibly understand God’s glorious plan. No part of me believes God is causing this pandemic, but I often inquire why He is allowing it.
When questions swirl in my mind and doubt overwhelms my heavy heart, I remember this verse. I eagerly hope for the day God will give us our full rights as his adopted kids.
My husband and I have had the privilege of adopting a sibling group of two from foster care. The beautiful thing about adoption is everything we own will one day be theirs. My eight year old son has already claimed our beautiful home on the river when he is older and marries his first grade crush. My daughter will inherit all my jewelry and my “fancy high heels” (which I never wear).
They will have access to all we possess.
Not because of anything they have done.
Not because they are my flesh and blood.
Simply because adoption supersedes the life they were dealt.
Our adoption as God’s children will one day supersede the life we have been dealt on this earth. There will be no fear. No pain. No sickness. No tears. No death.
As we enter into 2021, let us lay hold of all the goods in the heavenly storehouse our Father has set aside for us. Although the labor seems long, let’s remember a beautiful new life is always the end result!
And it will be oh so worth it!