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Do you ever feel stuck?
I’m not talking about the time you thought it was a good idea to play on the kiddie slide. I’m referring to the debilitating fear you experience when you can’t move forward.
My thoughts go like this: I know you’re real, God. I have experienced too much in my life to go back to the way I used to live.
It will COST me too much to move forward.
As a young adult, I read a book about a 19-year-old girl who was raised in a wealthy Christian home. She was the president of her class and the homecoming queen, yet her accomplishments aren’t what made her famous.
What caught my attention—and the attention of millions—was this good girl living the American dream did the unthinkable:
She quit her life.
She dropped out of college, broke up with her boyfriend, left her family, and moved to Uganda to live INDEFINITELY fostering fourteen Ugandan girls.
I remember wanting to meet her.
I remember wanting to be her.
To really do what Jesus said—to lay down my life and follow him.
And then I met Kayla Kesner.
Kayla is quiet and unassuming. Nothing about her demands attention, yet all of heaven knows her name. She grew up as part of our youth group and has worked for years with my daughter who has Autism.
But what makes Kayla remarkable isn’t so much what she has done for God but rather what she has given up for Him.
Kayla traveled to Uganda on several short-term missions trip and her life was forever changed. In a few months, Kayla will be moving there INDEFINITELY to love on and disciple fifteen Ugandan youth whom our church family has supported for the last decade.
You see, leadership isn’t a title or a cute plaque that goes on your office door. Leadership isn’t about knowing the right people or being in the right place at the right time.
Leadership is a CHOICE—a choice to pay a high cost.
And the moment you stop paying the cost, is the moment you stop leading.
There is a story in the Bible about a rich dude asking Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus simple says: follow the Ten Commandments. The wealthy guy claims he has kept ALL of the commandments since he was a child. (Nobody believes you buddy!) So, Jesus gives him one more order:
“Sell all you have, give to the poor, and come follow me.”
And what does the rich young ruler do? HE WALKS AWAY SAD.
I think a lot of us feel sad and stuck in life because we are unwilling to pay the high cost.
And guess what? Jesus still loves you but he is willing to let you walk away sad. He is a gentleman. He will never force his will on you and as you depart, he will grieve for you.
What is the high cost God is calling you to pay?
God may not call you to move to Uganda, but he may call you to end the relationship you’re in.
God may not ask you to sell all your belongings, but he may ask you to downsize your life and start giving extravagantly.
God may not commission you to be a missionary, but he may instruct you to quit your job and follow him.
Do you know the number one regret of people on their deathbeds? Almost every person interviewed said:
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
This is my prayer for you:
May you have the courage to live a life of RISK, not REGRET.
And may you holler to the Good Shepherd as he walks away, “Hey Jesus, wait up!”
If you feel moved to give financially to support Kayla Kesner and her work in Uganda, simply click the link below and under the "Give" heading scroll down to “Missions: Kayla Kesner Support”.
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