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My eight-year-old adopted son popped his sopping wet hand out through the shower curtain, straining, as if trying to grasp something.
“Isaac, what do you need?”
“I’ll never stop reaching for her!” he proclaimed dramatically.
“Reaching for who?” I questioned, annoyed he was taking so long to wash up.
“My REAL mom.”
With a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, I grabbed his wrinkly brown fingers and squeezed them tight, stuck my head in the shower and whispered, “I know buddy!”
No matter how hard I try to bridge the distance - there will be a gap.
No matter how much love I pour into his tiny being - there will be a void.
No matter how great of a mom I am - I will never live up to the woman he has never met.
An old English Proverb states, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” The idea behind this quote is that the driving force for most new inventions is a NEED.
The claw of a hammer was created to address the need for pulling nails out of a board.
A stapler was created to address the need for keeping paperwork neatly together.
AirPods were created to address the need for all teens to ignore their parents.
But do you realize you were created with a purpose in mind? A specific NEED you were meant to fulfill?
Second Timothy 1:9 states God has “saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his OWN PURPOSE and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus BEFORE TIME BEGAN.”
Let this sink in. God not only has a blueprint drawn out for your life, he sketched it before the beginning of time. God mapped out your destiny prior to separating the light from the darkness. Before he formed the earth and covered it with the seas, God knew you and had orchestrated a grand plan for your life. He has NEEDS only you can fill.
Reflecting on 2020, we can assuredly say, things are not suppose to be this way. The world is not as it should be. And if left with that thought, the lights in your heart will start to dim and your love will grow cold.
Yet God sits outside of time. He gazed at the timeline of the world from his throne in eternity. He saw the pain. He saw the heartache. He saw the NEEDs.
From this vantage point, he picked up a lump of clay and began molding and shaping a human being. He created their facial features, their stature, their talents, and added his finishing touches with a dash of personality and the weird birth mark you hate. He blew the breath of life within you and stood back in awe to admire his handiwork.
The driving force behind your creation was a NEED.
And most of the time, that NEED is wrapped up within the body of a tiny human being.
“Do you want to do something beautiful for God? There is a person who needs you.
This is your chance.” ~Mother Teresa