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As we look to the future, it seems inevitable Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. Pro-choice advocates will storm the streets demanding the government doesn’t have the right to tell women what to do with their bodies. While the Pro-life movement will storm the same streets, throwing a massive party celebrating the sanctity of life.
News anchors will dive headfirst into heated arguments. Harsh words will be exchanged between friends who are no more. Snide comments will pepper social media. And yet another issue will divide a country already sliced and diced by dissension.
At first glance, it appears there are only two sides to the abortion argument.
I would like to present a third.
I am not pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-trust.
I’m a Christian. I believe human life begins at conception and every child is a gift from God. Yet in the same breath, I would say I don’t believe this is the core issue but a distraction. God doesn’t do surface work. He cuts past our slogans and facades, and drills down deep into our hearts.
For me, the real question isn’t “When does life start?” but “When did trust stop?’
Track with me for a moment, as we revisit the most famous unplanned pregnancy: Mary, Jesus’ mother.
Bible scholars believe Mary was only sixteen years old when an angel appeared to her to proclaim the miraculous news that God had chosen her to carry his son, Jesus.
We view this as “good news” in hindsight, but according to culture of that day, it was devastating news. Mary was a virgin and engaged to a young man named Joseph. In biblical times, an engagement consisted of more than candles, rose petals, and Instagram-worthy photos. Engagement required both families to enter into a legally binding arrangement. The couple was required to live apart for a year, while the man looked for work and suitable housing for his future bride.
If a woman was to have sex before marriage, this was considered adultery. Mary not only had to break the news to Joseph and pray he didn’t desert her, she also was adorned with a scarlet letter, and faced the possibility of being stoned according to Jewish law.
Minus the angel and immaculate conception, Mary’s unplanned pregnancy mirrors many of the situations young pregnant moms find themselves in today:
Yet after hearing this incredible news, what is Mary’s response?
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)
Even though Mary was terrified, she chose to trust God’s will for her life amidst the chaos swirling around her.
I truly believe the core issue behind the abortion argument isn’t life, but trust.
Now, before the right-wing conservatives stand up and shout, “I told you so! These women need to trust God and refuse to consider abortion an option”, let’s take a minute to evaluate our own hearts through this lens of trust:
Have you wasted your life at a job you despise because you are relying on a retirement plan rather than trusting God to provide for you?
Have you found yourself in a relationship with someone who doesn’t treat you well because you refused to wait on God’s timing?
Have you spent your time manipulating and controlling people and circumstances in an effort to make things go your way because you don’t believe God has your back?
Jesus reminds us, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others….
And why worry about the speck in your friends’ eye when you have a log in your own?”
(Matthew 7:1-3)
When we start looking at abortion as a trust issue rather than solely a life issue, it appears like we all have two-by-fours we need to return to Home Depot.
My Prayer For You: May you become more like Christ: slow to judge and quick to forgive. May you learn to trust the hand of God in your life. And may He give you wisdom like Mary, to treasure all these things and pondered them in your heart. AMEN.