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“I had held so many things in my hands, and I lost them all. But whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” ~ Martin Luther
You can tell a lot about a person by their hands. Can’t you?
The rough, worn-out hands of a hardworking man, fingernails caked with dirt, and mind heavy with regret.
The delicate, wrinkly hands of a newborn baby, clutching tightly onto everything as they explore their new world.
The well-manicured, soft hands of the woman who has spent time pampering herself, toiling for a beauty that despite her best efforts, continues to fade.
We may attempt to fool others, but our hands reveal our true age and our hands expose our true nature.
My children may swear up-and-down they did not eat all the powdered donuts, but their hands tell a different story.
And so do yours…
When it comes to our inner lives, it’s less about the appearance of our hands and more about the position of them.
Some of us find our hands tense, grasping on to people and things in a desperate attempt to maintain control.
Fists clenched.
Working tirelessly to keep all the balls in the air.
These were my hands. I had to fix everything. Be everything. Do everything. But at some point, a ball dropped. And then another. And then another. And finally, the entire universe came crashing down and I realized something:
At that moment, my weary hands began to relax. Tired fingers slowly released my worries, my doubts, my agendas to God. I DROPPED ALL THE BALLS! I allowed the people in my life to breath again. And although it was petrifying, I knew it was the only option.
This week, we will celebrate Christmas. Santa will arrive, wrapping paper will be torn to shreds, and far too much money will have been spent on our credit cards. I pray amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays you would take a minute to stand in awe at another set of hands.
Jesus was the Son of God, yet the Bible says he emptied himself of all his “God power”. In a sense, the position of his hands was palms up, wide open. At any moment, he could have ordered a legion of angels to rescue him from the cruel death he knew was imminent. At any instance, he could have proven to Pontius Pilate his divinity. In a whim, he could have accessed supernatural strength and climb down from the cross. But he didn’t…
He knew this secret, a secret God is continuing to reveal to me. Absolutely NOTHING can touch me until first it has passed through God’s hands, and then Christs hands, and then into mine. If something in my life has come this far, it comes with a great purpose. Even though I may not fully understand in that moment, I can trust the hands who passed it to me.
Take time this Christmas to admire the steady, outstretched, hands of a loving Savior whose palms were pierced for you.
And remember…