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Excuse me, Mr Governor:
You can require me to wear a mask,
but I refuse don the coat of fear you’re selling.
I’m warm enough, thank you - clothed in the
robe of righteousness my Father gave me
(Isaiah 61:10)
You can bid me to shelter in place,
but I have found my home safe under His wings.
His faithful promises - my armor and protection.
(Psalm 91:4)
You can demand social distance,
but I will not stop pursuing those in need.
You can’t restrain love, compelling me to
care for my neighbors, the sick, and the shut-ins.
(Matt 25:34-40)
You can shut down Sunday services,
but you can’t dismember the church.
We are one body and what God joins together,
no MAN can separate!
(I Cor. 12:12-27) (Hebrews 10:25)
You can order a PAUSE on activities,
but you can’t halt the next move of God
It’s barreling like a locomotive -you might want to get out of the way!
(Matt 24:13-14)
You can cancel the holidays,
but the same Being whose birth and death enacted
the world to celebrate is STILL ON THE THRONE
and He commands me to “Rejoice!”
(Philippians 4:4)
You can warn me that COVID is deadly,
but my favorite Book reminds me that
NOTHING can separate me from God’s love.
Not death, not life, nor fears for today, or worries for tomorrow.
(Romans 8:35-38)
Oh, and one last thing Mr Governor:
Please, don’t take this personal.
It’s not that I’m rebellious.
It’s just my orders come from Higher-up!
***Disclaimer: I am in no way inferring that people who are older or have preexisting conditions and need to strictly obey CDC’s guidelines are lacking in the faith department.
It’s less about NOT FOLLOWING the guidelines and more about NOT FALLING for the lies lurking behind them. We need to remember WHO WE ARE and WHOSE WE ARE.