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Back in the day, television was wholesome, edifying, and laced with moral values. Sesame Street. Mr. Rogers. Different Strokes. Full House. And my favorite? COPS! Cops was a reality TV show that followed law enforcement officers from various regions set to the popular song:
“Bad boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when they’re coming for you?”
My favorite episodes were the car chases involving the hot pursuit of suspects. Vehicles would weave in and out of traffic, enter the wrong lane, and plow off-road to avoid being caught. The best part? When the criminal’s car was totaled and the chase continued a foot. The officer would yell to his partner, “active pursuit” and try to outrun the suspect while awaiting backup. Now that was good, educational entertainment! ;)
As a driven individual, every season of my life has had an “active pursuit.” I’ve chased after degrees, jobs, athletic accomplishments, ministry opportunities, social causes, book contracts, and the like. Yet last week, as I sat in the grass and admired my kids playing tag in the park, I felt God whisper to my heart:
“You have spent your life chasing after so many things. But there is one pursuit you have neglected - the PURSUIT OF PEACE.”
In my defense, pursuing peace while raising autistic children is like trying to find a needle in a haystack…blindfolded, spun around fifty times, with your hands tied behind your back. Yet I’m reminded of the Bible story in Mark when Jesus was sleeping in a boat with his disciples in the middle of a giant storm. The boat was filled with water, they were all about to die, and Jesus was found napping peacefully.
There is no storm that rattles Him.
No chaos to loud that peace can’t be found.
I used to think that peace was something that was granted. All it took was shaking a neighbor’s hand at mass and repeating, “Peace be with you”. Or maybe if I prayed hard enough, magical fairy dust would fall from the sky and a stressful situation would suddenly become calm. Yet the dust never fell and my chaos kept growing.
But what if peace isn’t something that can be granted or found? What if peace must be FIERCELY PURSUED.
“Whoever desires to love life and see good days…let him turn away from evil and do good; let him SEEK peace and PURSUE it.” ~ 1 Peter 3:10-11
The word “seek” in Greek actually means to search for something that has been lost. Yep. That’s it right there. I HAVE LOST MY PEACE. Maybe you have too?
Take one look at the world around us, the news, the protests, the election, COVID, remote learning; they all scream conflict and unrest. There is no peace in the world. So, if peace cannot be found outside of us, we must seek to find peace within.
The Greek word for “pursue” is defined as doing something with intense effort, to pursue a hard thing that tends to flee. In order to obtain it, it requires RELENTLESS DETERMINATION.
I realized that living a life filled with peace begins with a CHOICE. The conscious choice to relentlessly pursue it.
But how do you pursue something so abstract and etherial? To be honest, I’m not quite sure. But here are some practical things I am implementing in my life to relieve the pressure and actively chase after peace.
I have said no to more people in the last week than I have in my entire life. No to dinner plans, no to crazy remote learning schedules, no to phone calls, Zoom calls, emails, and text messages. No, no, no, no! No lengthy explanations necessary.
I’m a high achiever and I like to be productive. But guess what? During a global pandemic, it’s ok to not accomplish as much as you once did. Admit you’re stressed and then release yourself from some of your unrealistic expectations.
One of the best prayers ever prayed over me went something like this:
I feel God wants to remind you of Psalm 46:10 -
“Be still and know that I am God.”
"Actually, I feel God just wants you to “Be still and know…”
Wait, I hear him say, “Just be still…”
Never mind, He said, “Just be.”