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When it comes to grocery shopping, I’m all about saving money. I LOVE Aldi’s. I never complain about scrounging the car in search of a quarter for my cart or bagging my own groceries because after each trip, I can scan the receipt and see all the money I have saved. But there is one thing about Aldi’s you have to anticipate; you must be willing to buy generic brands. I don’t need my peanut butter to be labeled JIF, or my crackers to be Ritz. As long as they taste good, I will eat an entire sleeve of Oreo’s whether they are the originals or the knock-off brand! But I’m afraid as Christians, we have settled for GENERIC CHRISTIANITY. We all go to Aldi’s because the prices are cheaper, but we wander into the aisles of generic Christianity when we believe the cost of discipleship is too high. Think about it! When Jesus walked the earth, he was radical. Every message He preached required his followers to pay a HIGH PRICE. He said, “Whoever desires to find their lives, need to lose their lives first.” He implored us to emulate Him in his death by “picking up our cross and following Him.” He required his disciples to give up their occupations, sell all they had, and leave their loved ones, and on one occasion He demanded this in the middle a family’s funeral. No, Jesus wasn’t peddling generic Christianity but that seems to be what most of us are buying.
So, what is generic Christianity? Generic Christianity is choosing to be nice, polite, and kind rather than being obedient to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. None of these qualities are bad in and of themselves. Jesus desires us to exemplify the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. But the problem arises when we substitute these traits in place of obedience. God doesn’t desire for all of us to be a glorified version of Mr. Rogers. Jesus led by example in that he was constantly reiterating that He would only do what He saw His Father doing. But that obedience led Jesus to walk through a lot of pain and suffering, that obedience led Him to Calgary. Who wants to sign up?
Some of you may say, “I’ve never had Jesus ask me to do something hard.” Well my response to that is, He has and just maybe you aren’t listening. Even if you struggle to hear God’s voice, we can look to the Word and see over and over again some of the commands God has given each one of us:
2. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after ORPHANS and WIDOWS in their distress.” (James 1:27)
3. “LOVE your ENEMIES, do GOOD to those who hate you, BLESS those who curse you, PRAY for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:27-28)
4. “Only ask, and I will give you the NATIONS as your inheritance…” (Psalm 2:8)
So, just looking at that short list of four commands, take a minute and evaluate your life:
How many people are you discipling? Not being friendly too. Not having coffee with. I didn’t ask how many small groups you are a part of. Who are you actually sitting down with and walking through the Word and teaching them how to apply it practically to their lives? Anyone?
How many orphans or widows are you caring for? Generic Christianity may give to the food banks on the holidays or donate clothes to Salvation Army. But that is the knock-off version of what God commanded. He said, “CARE FOR”, that means day in, and day out, we are taking care of the people that have NO ONE ELSE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM.
Think of the one person you despise the most right now? Maybe they have offended you or they have vehemently spread rumors about you. Maybe they hurt you or someone in you love so bad you feel you can never forgive them. So, how have you been loving them this week? What have you done practically this week for their good? Hmmmm….I have a feeling we all come up short on this one!
Finally, when is the last time you’ve asked God for a NATION? Say what? How crazy is this. I’m praying for God to provide the money to pay my overdue electric bill while He is commanding me to pray and ask for entire nations to come to Christ. Our vision is so narrow. Jesus wants to expand our horizons but guess what, it will cost us! But in the end, I can’t think of a greater cause to spend my life on!