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It’s everywhere.
Next weekend things will be dramatically different but…
“No matter who is sitting in the President’s chair, God is still on the throne!”
This gives me peace. When I worry about the repercussions of this election and the rise of COVID cases, I’m reminded of this verse:
“Clearly, you are a God who works behind the scenes, God of Israel, Savior God.”
~ Isaiah 45:15
I have been to two Broadway plays in my lifetime and far too many high school musicals to count. One thing that leaves me in awe is the mysterious workings behind the scenes. Each production has a stage crew. These key players dress in black as not to be detected and work feverishly to orchestrate ornate scene changes and amazing transitions.
They work best in darkness.
They sweat tirelessly to make things right.
All the while we sit, oblivious until the next beautiful scene is revealed
And so it is with God:
He works best in darkness.
He sweats tirelessly to make things right.
All the while we sit, oblivious until the next beautiful scene is revealed.
Skeptical? Let me illustrate:
In 2011 my husband and I set out to pursue adoption. We were sent on a mission to rescue a child from a life of despair. We desired to be God’s hands and care for orphans in need. When social services contacted us stating a newborn baby boy needed a home, we were ecstatic. Fourteen months later, his sister came into our world. Since then, we have had the privilege of adopting these two spunky kiddos and they have become a part of our forever family.
And that should be the end of the story. Yet, God LOVES TO WORK BEHIND THE SCENES.
In 2016, life threw us a curve ball. Two of our three biological children were diagnosed with severe autism. Not the type of autism where your child struggles to make friends but the kind of autism that is filled with daily meltdowns and broken windows.
If we had’t answered the call and adopted, my oldest would only know the role of a caretaker - a caretaker with zero playmates. He would have no brother to challenge on the basketball court and no sister to protect from creepers in high school. As parents, we would be forced to care for two disabled children alone the rest of our lives with no family support. There would be little to no light at the end of our tunnel. Our future would be bleak but...GOD LOVES TO WORK BEHIND THE SCENES!
God had not sent US to TO THESE CHILDREN.
God had sent THESE CHILDREN to US.
We were not the RESCUERS
We were the ones who needed to be RESCUED.
We weren’t saving THEM.
God was saving US.
No matter what transpires this next season, remember:
When God is hidden from your view, he’s still working on your behalf.