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I turned the big 4-0 last year and it wasn’t as rough as I anticipated.I’ve settled into my own skin and learned that rest isn’t found in an afternoon nap, but rather hitting the pause button on the constant striving I had been known for.
If I could look my twenty-year-old self square in the eyes, I would lift her chin, laugh at how serious she takes life, and tell her this:
Stop trying to be perfect.
People don’t love you because you’re perfect—they love you because you’re not. You may impress people with your strengths, but you connect to people in your weakness. As a young adult, you’ll feel alone, and this will be half your problem.
Not all men are evil.
I know you’d rather be alone than be hurt again. Don’t lose hope. Contrary to popular belief, there are still men who love Jesus and most of them can be found at church. Stay away from bars, clubs, and online dating sites. If you go fishing in a swamp, you’ll catch a snake every time.
You can’t make real friends with fake people.
(Refer back to #1.) If you aren’t authentic and vulnerable, how do you expect others to be? True friendship is birthed in the raw moments where you share your heart and the other person perks up and states, “You too? I thought I was the only one.”
College is not the key to success.
Contrary to your guidance counselor’s advice, college is a monumental waste of time if you don’t know what you’re called to do. Ask God to direct your path and don’t be afraid to take the unconventional route. If you do enroll in college, try not to go into massive debt. Otherwise, you’ll pay more every month on your school loans than you will on your mortgage.
Nothing given to God is ever wasted.
Following Jesus is hands down the best decision I’ve ever made. Surrender everything to God and watch him multiple it. This is included but not limited to; your future, your spouse, your career, your children, your heartache, your worries, your fears, you hopes, your talents, and your entire life.
Enjoy your time in the bathroom.
I know, it sounds weird. But once you have kids, the minute you sit on the toilet, someone will holler your name. You will never take a hot shower in silence again. Soak it all in while you can.
Talent matters a little, obedience matters a lot.
Right now, your schedule is packed with music lessons, sports practices, and study sessions. You hope to snag the scholarship or be drafted into the major leagues—and I hate to break it to you—YOU WON’T BE. Someone will always be better than you. Rather, invest your time in cultivating a relationship with God, learn to hear his voice, and follow his directives. He writes far better stories than you ever will.
People will talk behind your back whether you do good or bad—so do good.
You care far too much about what other’s think. Friends will talk behind your back your entire life. People will speak ill of you whether you’ve accomplished great things for God or whether you’re pulled over for a DWI in your Sponge Bob pajamas. So, why not give them something good to talk about?
Be the gum ball machine that doesn’t require quarters.
There are two types of people in this world: those who measure how much they give based upon their return on investment, and those who love without reservation. The former are angry and bitter. The latter have more joy than they can contain. Be the gum ball machine that doesn’t require quarters—give freely and never require anything in return.
Spend time with your family.
Do you want to know what is more valuable than money? Time. It's the only commodity you can't make more of. When you're young, it feels as if you’re rich with time but the clock hands whirl faster than you can imagine. Call your siblings. Make the trek home each Christmas. Spend time with your parents, because before you know it, there will be an empty chair at the Thanksgiving table.
P.S. - Invest in this little company called Apple Computers…I have a hunch.
P.S.S. - Stop over-plucking your eyebrows. You’ll regret it the rest of your life.